February 2020 In The Historic District - New Ambassador Program, Keeping Fit, Valentine's Treats, and New Businesses
This article originally appeared on The Folsom Telegraph.
Hmmm….cold and winter-ish, but dry. If you’ve ever read this article at this time of year, then you’ll know I love Tahoe, snow, and skiing. We need a little rain dance right now…we haven’t seen enough of the wet stuff/white stuff, to be able to properly call this winter yet.
However, when the weather is this clear, and the daytimes are warm, it’s a fun time of year in the Historic District because there are so many people in town. Karen's Bakery & Cafe (KBC) bustles with folks who have ridden their bikes, walked, or jogged to the Historic District, renewing their vows to their exercise routines, and their own bodies. It’s one of the things I love best about the Historic District…it’s an active crowd, making time for sports and outdoor activities that keep the mind and body fit. That’s always a good thing.
The Historic District is keeping fit as well. There has been quite a bit of growth in the last few years, but this last year the growth has been more measured, more calculated. I think that’s a maturing thing….we don’t want to grow just-for-the-sake-of-growing. We want to plan, calculate, and manage that growth in order to maintain our charm, and preserve a quality within the Historic District.
One of the exciting moves that the Historic District is about to embark on is a new Ambassador Program…a group of individuals who are tasked with helping visitors find their way, learn new things, and discover the unknown or hidden secrets of our downtown. Imagine that!
There are two things I love about this program: first, that we have found a number of individuals who already treasure the Historic District are interested in learning more, and two, that we’re making sure that we’re good hosts to Historic District visitors so that they feel welcomed and are ensured a good time.
The Ambassador program is just getting underway. We have a number of individuals who have already committed, but there is room for more. If you are a person, or if you know someone, who thinks this sounds like a good thing to do with a bit of your time (two hours per week/eight hours per month), then please contact Judy Collinsworth, our FHDA executive director at [email protected]. There is training provided, so don’t worry if you don’t feel up to speed on some of the fine points of the HD….we’ll make sure that you’re given the tools you need to succeed.
There are three new businesses that will be opening their doors on February 1st…drop in and say hello!
Welcome them to the District! Terra Cottage Boutique (722 Sutter St), The Vintage Room (732 ½ Sutter St), and Wolf Home Décor and Market Place (815 Sutter St, Suite F). Welcome to the District, we’re glad you chose to land your business here!
Before the end of the month, we should see the opening of Willamette WineWorks and Scott's Seafood. I am sure they will be very glad to be done with the construction (doesn’t it look great?!) and happy to open their doors and welcome customers in. This one has been quite a task, so I am happy for all involved that these businesses are about to be underway.
There are special Valentine’s Day treats everywhere in the Historic District. Swing into shop, find good things for your sweetheart(s)….and remember to look at all the charm the Historic District holds. If you see one of our new Ambassadors, please say hello!